What more can we do for “our” expat?

Your new employee has started working, found a house and the children are going to school, so everything is arranged ? Actually not….. after the first busy weeks of relocation, arranging practical things like labor contract, BSN and insurances things will settle down and life will go back to “normal”, but it’s also a period where more time can be spend on i.e. building a social network. You as employer and the Expat Center can assist with this new fase.


A Buddy can be helpfull both at work and in every day life. Assigning a buddy will ensure that your new employee will settle in quickly within your organisation. The expat learns the company culture and is acquainted with unwritten rules that are present in every company.

The Expat Center will start a Expat Buddy Program in 2020 in which enthousiastic Dutchies assist (new) expats for a period of 3 months. During their meetups the expat will learn about local customs and gets to know the area. More information on this free service will follow soon !

Dutch language training

Learning the Dutch language ensures faster integration at and outside work. For the partner who wants to work as well it is recommended to learn Dutch in order to increase the chance on finding a job.

Register your employee for our next course in Hengelo. Being taught in small groups (maximum 10 persons), specially meant for higher educated migrants, there is room for personal attention and tailor-made assignments. It is also possible to follow private lessons or get in-company training by one of our partners partners NKTH language training, Flowently, vanTaal, Ennef or Hannie Kaarsmaker Training.

Contact the Expat Center for more information, details of the next course and costs involved.

Register for the next courses

The courses for level A0-A1 en A1-A2 will start after summer. Starting dates are Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 of September 2022. The course contains 16 lessons and the total price is €560,00 excl. VAT, including textbook. Also we will start with an new course level A2-B1.  This course contains 32 lessons and the price for this is €1.120,00 excl. VAT, including the textbook. For all courses we need a minimum number of participants to be able to start with the courses. Location is the World trade Center Twente, next to the train station of Hengelo.

Please contact us for further details or registrations for the courses.


The success of living and working abroad mostly depends on a general feeling of welbeing, in short: the expat wants to have, besides a good job, a good time ! He or she wants to get to know the country, its customs and make new friends.

The Expat Center contributes by organises about 20 social events annually. Such as a visit to Giethoorn, a workshop or our monthly Meet & Greet. We also organise information evenings regarding the Dutch tax system, health care and CV training for family members.


Do you have any questions? Of course we are happy to speak to you personally, in Dutch or English. You can reach us by calling + 31 (0) 74 2503325, sending an email to info@ecen.nl or fill in the contact form.