Team Expat Center East netherlandsDo you wish to employ a foreign employee and do you have questions about what is all involved? Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

For making an appointment for first registration and IND formalities in the Welcome Center in Enschede you can contact us as well.


Expat Center East Netherlands

Industrieplein 2
7553 LL Hengelo

maandag t/m vrijdag 09:00 – 13:00

+31 (0)74 250 33 25

Welcome Center
Locatie: Stadskantoor Enschede
Hengelosestraat 51, Enschede
Openingstijden: maandag 11:00 – 16:00

International School Twente

Primary school
Johannes ter horststraat 30
7513 ZH Enschede
Contact opnemen

Secondary School
Tiemeister 20
7541 WG Enschede
Contact opnemen

Twente branding

Hengelosestraat 500
7521 AN Enschede
Postbus 545, 7500 AM Enschede
+31 (0)53 483 68 44